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Deposito en Zona Franca La Plata

Free Trade Zone La Plata


The ZFLP is located in Ensenada, Province of Buenos Aires, 60km from the Port of Buenos Aires and 80km from the International Airport of Ezeiza. Here you get operational, logistical and financial advantages that make it the best alternative for Foreign Trade operations:

Storage without time limit and without payment of customs duties.

Possibility of re-exporting merchandise to any country without payment of liens.

Fracing, repackaging, labeling merchandise.

Import into the customs territory paying the corresponding duties at the time of their nationalization.

Use as an international showroom

Consignment to a Direct or Indirect User of merchandise from abroad.

The La Plata Free Trade Zone can be used as a large storage center for the supply of the region, re-exporting merchandise without paying taxes with the possibility of incorporating added value into the imported merchandise

The merchandise can be the object of the necessary operations to ensure its conservation and of the manipulations destined to improve its presentation or commercial quality or to prepare them for transport, such as division of packages, formation of lots, classification and change of packaging.

Sales in Free Zone with Invoice E.


Management in transit for the entry of merchandise.

Deconsolidated and manipulated loads.

Storage in covered and uncovered space.

Stay of vehicles and machinery

Balance service.

Conditioning of merchandise:

Film Streetch / Labeling / Pallets.

Assembly and delivery of orders.

Physical inventory controls

Customs management both for the entry or exit of FTZ.

Customs Management of Certificates of Origin.

Management of registration process and contracts in FTZLP.

Customs advice.

Daily messaging service BS.AS / FTZLP.


Warehouse enabled for general cargo.

Warehouse enabled for IMO cargo.

Beaches for vehicles, road machinery, containers.

Computer system Maria

Internet with WIFI

Forklifts of 2.5 ,10,15,25 TN

Are you need more information? Contact us

We are here to assist you. Call us or write us an email or contact us through our social channels.


Created by FBs Group

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